Personal Injury Lawyer in Louisville & Shelbyville, KY

The type and severity of injury, emotional harm suffered, cost of going to trial and many other factors are worth consulting me about to get the settlement you deserve! When an act of negligence leads to serious bodily injury.

I provide diligent representation to clients, my responsibility as a personal injury lawyer is to help plaintiffs obtain just compensation for their losses. As with all lawyers, the attorney-client relationship is governed by rules of ethics.

If you’ve suffered physical harm through no fault of your own, it could be time to seek legal guidance.

Not every physical injury will serve as the basis for a personal injury lawsuit. (based on if their was negligence involved.)

Consult me if you have endured the following or similar incidents.

  • Slip-and-falls
  • Bystander hit in collision
  • Fallen from a latter
  • Attacked by a animal
  • Hit by a falling object
  • Disfunctional machinery
  • Shocked or electricuted


I have the skills, knowledge, and experience to negotiate a settlement with the insurance company—or take the case to trial, if necessary. When you work with us, i will empower you to step forward and secure the compensation you deserve.

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